To Be Fair …

Since I’ve been ripping on the Democratic National Convention for its use of muzak pop-funk – Really? Are we really the party of banal music? Seriously? – it’s only fair to notice that Bruce Springsteen’s “The Rising” is more rousing as a theme song for Obama than it was as a 9/11 response.

While most of the news from the convention has centered around Hillary Clinton’s delegates, the news from our perspective has been the near-complete absence of Katrina from the convention. Bill Clinton worked in a line on Katrina and cronyism last night, but that was it unless you also saw Mary Landrieu’s five minutes on Tuesday afternoon as part of a “Women of the Senate” package. Again, really? Is Katrina of interest as a national social justice issue, or is it only of interest as a stick to beat the Bush Administration? And when it’s no longer needed, it’s discarded by Democrats as easily as it is by Republicans?