We Have No One but Ourselves to Blame

We’re in the process of posting stories from back issues that were never online, and while doing so, we ran across 1990’s “Jazz Fest Survival Guide.” I won’t question the decisions of editors before me, but I hope it occurred to someone later how odd it was to imply that Jazz Fest is something you survive or endure as opposed to enjoy.

But the moment that prompted a pang of guilt was this paragraph:

Clothing requires similar consideration. This is the tropics babes, so you want fabrics that breathe. Deeply. Cotton is ideal. Standard male attire is typically shorts and those short sleeved shirts with crazed floral prints. Actually, any sort of light safari gear is good. Think pockets—the more pockets the better at Jazz Fest.

I hope we were just reflecting trends rather than setting them here, but for whatever role we have played in fostering Hawaiian shirts, cargo shorts and fanny packs at Jazz Fest, we apologize.