Frigg A-Go-Go, The Winning Score (Scooch Pooch Records)

All that testosterone brewing around in teenage manhood—if you thought Jim Morrison had it and you’ve been anxiously awaiting its return, look no further than Frigg A-Go-Go. Hailing from Lafayette, Louisiana (Lafayette? I would have thought Los Angeles, or even New York), these boys tear it up. Lead singer Ronnie Ramada has the growl, the anger and the sense of effortless fun which I haven’t heard in rock for a long while. Look out for the interlace of organ leads with Ramada’s vocals—it’s hard to shake the image of a dance of engine pistons: forced apart yet coming back together with each revolution.

I haven’t seen these people live yet, but I’ve seen their posters all around Frenchmen Street. If their live show is as good as this CD, I won’t be ignoring those posters the second time around. If you’ve been waiting for the right rock band to yank you away from the Louisiana jazz/funk/blues scene, Frigg A-Go-Go might be the key to your lock, the rock that stops all thoughts of smoky jazz and brings your music collection back to its passionate high-school roots.