Lonesome Travelers, Self Titled (Valley Entertainment)


The Lonesome Travelers are Cowboy Mouth’s John Thomas Griffith and Paul Sanchez, indulging their affection for country that Cowboy Mouth can’t accommodate. The duo sound at home with country in all its forms, whether its George Jones’ “Money to Burn,” Sanchez’ Everly-esque “Another Chip Off the Heart” or the California country rock of “Prisoners of Love,” and perhaps because it’s a side project, they don’t try to get too cute. The songs are centered on acoustic guitars and Griffith and Sanchez’s voices, all the better to present songs of love and heartbreak. Their originals stay in character with the exception of Sanchez’s “The Fire Eater,” which matches the mood though not necessarily the musical and lyrical vocabulary. The Lonesome Travelers often play living rooms, and the album’s feel comes from that setting. Griffith and Sanchez are simply sharing some songs, not trying to inhabit them. As such, what Lonesome Travelers lacks in urgency it makes up for with informality.