Merry-Go-Drown, As She Screams (Independent)

Merry-Go-Drown’s sophomore release, As She Screams, follows much in the same vein as their self-titled debut. It’s nine more tracks of brutal, self-loathing metal. (And believe me, it must be tough to deliver a line like “I’m a victim of this cruel joke called life” with a smile.) But anyone expecting a blistering, atonal affair will be surprised with Merry-Go-Drown, especially lead singer Brandon Magnon’s emotive voice. It sounds a bit like Orgy’s Jay Gordon or Corey Taylor from Slipknot, though his occasional growls and tortured screams certainly evoke the latter more often. And the band’s sound is often shockingly melodic, especially on lead-off track “Leech” where Magnon creates a head-bobbing, almost pop harmony. It’s sing-along metal! And this creates a nice counterpoint to the depressing lyrics and ear-bleed guitar riffs…but, hey, it wouldn’t be metal without them. Other highlights include “Fault,” the near-ballad “Eulogy,” and a gritty cover of the Rolling Stones’ “Paint it Black.”