Various Artists, The Rough Guide to Gospel (World Music Network)

Not only does The Rough Guide series publish travel and music guides, but they also create vast world music compilation CDs as well.

Even Louisiana has its own Rough Guide compilation (does that make Louisiana music ‘world music’?). One disc compilations of entire genres of music are tricky, but since they admit it’s a rough guide, they can’t really be faulted. Brilliant way of covering one’s ass.

Their leap into gospel music is obviously not comprehensive as 16 tracks couldn’t possibly sum up the genre. Still, there’s some fine music on this compilation. Of course, Mahalia Jackson is given two predictably wonderful cuts, the Dixie Hummingbirds are thankfully included, as well as the original Five Blind Boys of Alabama. But some selections are curious.

The Soul Stirrers are represented with a fine version of “Christ Is All” but it’s a recording that occurred after Sam Cooke left the group. A welcome and intriguing inclusion is the a cappella juggernaut Sweet Honey In the Rock who display their remarkable voice-blending harmonies on “Leaning and Depending On the Lord.” Of course as it is only one disc, it would be impossible to cover every important gospel act or movement, but how do you put together a gospel compilation with only one choir represented? Where’s the fantastic and influential Mississippi Mass Choir?

Other curious omissions are the absence of modern gospel acts like Hezekiah Walker, and a representative from the Sacred Steel gospel contingent.

In fairness, there’s not a weak track on the album, but a little more diversity would have helped.