Photo courtesy of Noe Cugny

Ghalia Volt Featured on 60 Minutes Sunday October 29

Blues artist Ghalia Volt will be a prominent presence this Sunday, October 29, at 6 p.m. as she appears on CBS and Paramount+ during the  news magazine program 60 Minutes. This feature follows a year-long journey from discovery to realization, as Ghalia’s impressive talent captured the attention of the show’s producers during their visit to Clarksdale.

Ghalia Vauthier

Ghalia Vauthier. Photo courtesy of the artist

The 60 Minutes team was filming a segment exploring the blues tradition in Clarksdale, Mississippi. A native of Brussels, Belgium, Volt’s (née Vauthier) established presence in the heart of the blues scene demonstrated the genre’s international appeal, prompting the producers to include her in the upcoming episode.

The journey from Clarksdale to the national television stage required almost a year of dedication and hard work to ensure that Ghalia’s story and music received the attention they deserved. Now, the anticipated segment will finally air this Sunday, sharing Ghalia’s story and musical prowess with nationwide viewers.

The program will air two segments on blues during this special Sunday broadcast. In addition to Ghalia Volt’s feature, another part will focus on Christone “Kingfish” Ingram—a Clarksdale native—who ranks among the top artists on the Billboard chart this week. This double feature aims to showcase the blues genre’s diverse talents and influences.

To further celebrate Ghalia Volt’s success, her new CD will be reviewed in the upcoming November issue of OffBeat Magazine, scheduled to go live on October 31.

To learn more about Ghalia, make sure to follow her on Instagram.