Harry Shearer and Judith Owens’ ‘Christmas Without Tears’ Returns to New Orleans This Week

Comedian Harry Shearer and his wife, singer-songwriter Judith Owen, will bring their annual Christmas Without Tears show to New Orleans’ Le Petit Theatre on Thursday, December 22 and Friday, December 23.

Officially billed as “Christma Without Tears (Does This Tree Make Me Look Fat?),” the New Orleans gigs will mark the final stop on the 11th annual tour, which has already made excursions to London, Evanston, IL and Los Angeles. Much like previous years, the events have featured collaborative performances and comedic takes on holiday classics like Spinal Tap’s “Christmas With the Devil.”

Guest appearances are a big part of the fun, and the London and L.A. installments of the tour have included appearances by comedy stalwarts Steve Martin, Fred Willard and Stephen Merchant. Other than Shearer, the New Orleans edition doesn’t have any memorable comedy names on the bill, but a music lineup of Michael Cerveris, John Boutte, Eric Bloom, Aurora Nealand, Helen Gillet, Tom McDermott, Evan Christopher, Phil DeGruy, Debbie Davis, Matt Perrine, Topsy Chapman’s Solid Harmony and Mad Men actor Bryan Batt more than makes up for that.

Originally launched in the wake of Hurricane Katrina as a benefit for the New Orleans Musicians Assistance Foundation (NOMAF), the tour has raised thousands of dollars for various charitable endeavors over the years. This year’s beneficiaries include Shelter.org.ruk and the Copenhagen Youth Project in association with Kings Place, Greater Chicago Food Depository, My Friend’s Place, Le Petit Theatre and, of course, NOMAF.

Tickets for the Christmas Without Tears shows are on sale via Le Petit Theatre.