Leigh "Lil' Queenie" Harris

Memorial concert for Leigh “Lil’ Queenie” Harris features nearly 20 acts at Tipitina’s

A memorial concert in memory of Leigh “Lil’ Queenie” Harris will feature nearly 20 acts by New Orleans musicians who fondly recall the late funk-laced R&B singer who may.be best known for her signature song “My Darlin’ New Orleans.” The concert will be held at Tipitina’s on Saturday, July 31, at 9 p.m.

Upon Harris’ death on September 21, 2019, following a three-year bout with cancer, Dominic Massa of WWL-TV wrote: “Harris and her band, Lil’ Queenie and the Percolators, formed in the late 1970s and performed often at Tipitina’s, Ford’s Place, the Dream Palace, Jimmy’s, Snug Harbor, the Riverboat Natchez and other popular music clubs of the day. They earned a local and regional following for their blend of rock, funk and rhythm and blues. Harris was the star, a dynamic diminutive performer with fiery red hair who lit up the stage.”

In a rave review published in the New York Times on March 12, 1980, John Rockwell described Harris as “a short dynamic Southern woman with a tough, earthy, bluesish voice that can rise ecstatically to gospel abandon…Miss Harris has more voice, personality and stage presence than any other young performer this observer has encountered in a very long time.”

The tribute concert will include a set by the Percolators featuring original bassist John Meunier, along with the Bonerama Horns, Papa Mali, the Pfister Sisters, Woodenhead, Lenny Zenith, Debbie Davis, Mixed Knots, the New Orleans Guitar Masters, Josh Paxton, Jimmy Robinson, Twangorama, Holley Bendtsen, Amasa Miller, Alex MacDonald, Darcy Malone, John Mooney, Beth Patterson, and Phil deGruy.

Proceeds will benefit the New Orleans Musicians Clinic.

For more information about the Leigh “Lil’ Queenie” Harris memorial concert and to purchase tickets, visit tipitinas.com.