Musical equipment sale and swap gets underway on September 4

Musicians and audio engineers are invited to attend or donate or sell instruments at the New Orleans Musical Equipment Sale and Swap on Sunday, September 4, from 1 to 5 p.m. at Zony Mash Beer Project.

Organizer Rex Marshall of Full Circle Sound says he envisions the gathering as “an event where folks can come to a safe space to network, swap gear, and meet different folks in the music community.”

Vendor booths are free of charge. Interested parties should register by email by September 1 at [email protected].

The sale and swap meet will also feature a hearing protection information booth staffed by Dina Zeevi of the Hear Now clinic along with representatives from The Ella Project, an agency that provides pro bono legal services, business advice and mentorship, and advocacy for arts programs and artists and musicians. Information booths explaining NFT (non-fungible tokens) will also be on site.

Zony Mash Beer Project is located at 3940 Thalia Street.