Davell Crawford, The B-3 and Me (Bullseye Blues & Jazz)

I’ve met folks who listen to nothing but organ trios, who can tell a Jimmy Smith like in a nanosecond from one by Jack McDuff or Groove Holmes. I’m not such a person, but it’s obvious to any listener that The B-3 and Me grooves when it’s supposed to groove and swings when swing is called for. If Davell is still searching for his voice as a pianist, there’s little doubt he’s mastered the organ, at the tender age of, what, 21? His bandmates here leave you shaking your head as well. Tenor saxophonist and fellow youngster Clarence Johnson III pounces on these tunes with terrific humor, unfettered technique and generally volcanic attitude. And if you’re not familiar with Shannon Powell from his work with Harry Connick, Jr., or Charmaine Neville, well, he’s a beast. Listen as he plays the perfect counterpoint to Davell’s hard shuffles, swing standards and gospel ruminating.