The Black Crowes, By Your Side (American/Columbia)

The Robinson brothers (AKA The Black Crowes) have returned with their newest release, the raucous Southern rock joy-ride, By Your Side. The album opens with an appropriately funky drum-beat followed shortly by screaming guitars and Chris Robinson’s soulful, gut-busting vocals. This first track, “Go Faster”, with it’s crunchy hooks and dance-inspiring rhythms, sets the stage for the entire recording, making the album instantly enjoyable and addicting.

Guitarist and partner-writer to Chris, is brother Rich Robinson, whose guitar work ranges from manic to melancholy; his skill at manipulating effects (tastefully, I might add!) and his proficient use of the slide guitar compliments Chris’ vocals perfectly. He works in all of the flash and intensity without any arrogance or overkill.

In addition to the duo, is an energetic backing band, a gang of soulful backup singers and New Orleans’ own Dirty Dozen Brass Band to push the whole she-bang over the top. It’s full, it’s loud, it’s everything that is good about rock ‘n’roll.

High points on the album include the opening track, as well as the eerie, powerful “Horsehead” and the groovin’ radio hit, “Stop Kickin’ My Heart Around”.

The lyrical content may not save your soul, but Chris Robinson preaches every word. It may not change your life, but it sure could make it a lot more fun. Or, as the Black Crowes might say, “Welcome to the good times, honey.”