The Brakes, The Tale of Two Cities (Hyena)

If you Google the Brakes, you will learn that the Brakes are a “jam band.” Jam band? I don’t like jam bands, but this quintet from Philadelphia defies the label. What jam band writes songs that are this good? Principal songwriter and lead singer Zach Djanikian has much to say and does so in a tour de force of vocal clarity and vigor.

The songs are what make this CD worthwhile. While some chord changes are reminiscent of Sondre Lerche and there are Beatlesque inflections, the Brakes’ melodies and compelling lyrics are all their own. Couple that with Djanikian’s voice, and you have some pretty good stuff for a twentysomething band. Recorded live at New York’s Knitting Factory and Philadelphia’s MilkBoy—hence the titlethe overall feel is not that of a live album but rather a more intimate affair. Definitely worth investigating.