Blue Eyes, the French Quarter singer, was targeted by police for performing outdoors; photo via Instagram 2020

Alicia Renee Blue Eyes Happy New Year Special from New Orleans Jazz Museum

French Quarter fans of chanteuse Alicia Renee, aka Blue Eyes, can rejoice because the singer has booked a New Year’s Special that will air from our Facebook page, as well as the page of the New Orleans Jazz Museum. The pre-taped broadcast will air on New Year’s Day.

Blue will be performing with members of the Preservation Hall Jazz Band including Rickie Monie on piano, Kevin Louis on trumpet, Calvin Johnson on saxophone (who recently appeared in the biographical film Bolden about Buddy Bolden),  Ronell Johnson on trombone,  Glen Finister Andrews on percussion and Mark Brooks on bass.

The naturally blue-eyed singer has over 23,000 subscribers on her YouTube. She posted on Facebook to celebrate the growth of her followers, as she has dazzled tourists and residents alike. “Just received an email from YouTube giving me my 2020 year in review… It’s humbling to read the actual numbers. (Over 23,000 subscribers)Especially knowing that my videos are literally me just singing alone or with some of my favorite musicians here in New Orleans… For just being myself & using the gift that God gave me. Not because of who I’m standing next to, who I sang next to, in front of, etc…Literally just me being myself. Thanks to the musicians that helped keep this year sane for all of us. And a special thank you to all of the supporters here on Facebook, social media, and yes of course YouTube subscribers LOL. God bless lots of love to all and Happy Holidays.”

Follow Blue Eyes here.