Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Big TREEsy Giveaway by NOLA Parks & Rec and NOLA Tree Project

NOLA Tree Project & the City of New Orleans Department of Parks & Parkways, in partnership with Entergy and Audubon Nature Institute will host The Big TREEsy Giveaway 0f 700 Trees Saturday, December 5,
8-11:30 a.m. at City of New Orleans Department of Parks & Parkways, 200 Warrington Drive (behind Dillard University).

For a full list of free trees that will be given away, visit here. 

Note: This Big TREEsy Giveaway is for  ORLEANS PARISH RESIDENTS ONLY but NOT Limited to District Residents. All Orleans Parish residents are welcome but must bring a picture ID and wear a mask. COVID protocols will be in place limiting the number of people at a time.