Mind Puppets Brings Jesus to Frenchmen Street

The OffBeat staff was somewhat shocked to see Kevin Pollak dressed as Jesus being driven down Frenchmen Street on the back of an old tow truck at 9 a.m. on a Tuesday morning.

Kevin Pollak, Mind Puppets, Frenchmen Street, Stephen Maloney, OffBeat Magazine

Photo by Stephen Maloney

Is this the rapture? Nope, it’s just another movie filming in New Orleans. A movie called Mind Puppets, which stars Pollak as a hypnotist who suffers a stroke in the middle of a show. And then dresses up as Jesus and gets towed around Frenchmen Street, apparently.

Kevin Pollak, Mind Puppets, Frenchmen Street, Stephen Maloney, OffBeat Magazine

Photo by Stephen Maloney

Pollak, wearing a toga-like sheet over cargo shorts and red tennis shoes, seemed somewhat comfortable as he grasped clean white ropes on each arm of the wooden cross while getting a touch up on his makeup and chatting with the director, Juan Curi.

Kevin Pollak, Mind Puppets, Frenchman Street, Stephen Maloney, OffBeat Magazine

Photo by Stephen Maloney

And yes, Jesus wears red shoes. I guess Elvis Costello was a little bit off when he sang “(The Angels Wanna Wear My) Red Shoes.” He probably should have gone full savior with that one.

Kevin Pollak, Mind Puppets, Frenchmen Street, Stephen Maloney, OffBeat Magazine

Photo by Stephen Maloney

After multiple takes and trips up Frenchmen Street, over to Elysian Fields, up to the river, and back down to the corner of Frenchmen and Decatur, the camera crew seemed to be happy with the film’s apparent progress.

Kevin Pollak, Mind Puppets, Frenchmen Street, Stephen Maloney, OffBeat Magazine

Photo by Stephen Maloney

When ZZ Top sang “Jesus just left Chicago, and he’s bound for New Orleans,” is this what they were talking about?