Photo by Kim Welsh.

[Photos] Krewe du Vieux ‘Beats Off’ with publisher Jan Ramsey as Queen

OffBeat publisher Jan Ramsey led Krewe du Vieux’s “beats off” parade this year as queen alongside managing editor Joseph Irrera as her prince consort.

After facing parade route woes negotiating with the New Orleans Police Department and city officials, the krewe’s route was changed from its usual route down Frenchmen and lower Decatur Streets. Instead, it marched down Royal Street Saturday, February 4.

As is typical for Krewe du Vieux, the parade made lewd-icrous floats satirizing public figures and organizations like Mayor LaToya Cantrell as well as the “Jizz and Handjobs Foundation.”

All photos by Kim Welsh.


Krewe du Vieux 'Beats Off' 2023