Photo by @Yutacar via Unsplash

Raise a glass to The Ella Project charity this Thursday at The Rusty Nail

The Ella Project believes in the importance of the culture of New Orleans and Louisiana and empowers the creators of their culture in a way that is just, equitable, and serves the artists, patrons and our diverse community. This week, members of the community have the opportunity to raise a glass to New Orleans culture at The Rusty Nail as 20 percent of the bar tab will be donated to The Ella Project as part of their Cheers for Charity Program.

Door prizes will be available, including a signed Bonerama poster and Ella Project t-shirts.

The Ella Project was launched in 2004 as a partnership of the Arts Council of New Orleans, Tipitina’s Foundation, and Tulane Law School to provide direct pro bono legal services to moderate income Louisiana artists, musicians and grass roots non profits. In 2016, with more than 3,000 clients served, The Ella Project became an independent 501c3 nonprofit, with an expanded dedication to provide pro bono legal assistance, arts business services, and advocacy to our cultural community.

The event will be held Thursday, Feb. 10 (4-8 p.m.) at 1100 Constance St in the Warehouse District. RSVP via the Facebook Event page here.

To learn more about the Ella Project charity work, click here.