YouTube du Jour: Titus Andronicus

[youtube][/youtube]Tonight, New Jersey punk band Titus Andronicus plays the Hi-Ho Lounge with Felix and Empress Hotel opening. Vocalist Patrick Stickles has the voice of righteous rage down, so when he sings, “I’m looking for a new New Jersey / ’cause tramps like us, baby we were born to die” in “A More Perfect Union,” you feel it. Last year’s The Monitor shows the band’s ability to craft anthemic rock growing. In Pitchfork’s review of the album, Rob Mitchum wrote:

On their second album, New Jersey’s Titus Andronicus split the emotional atom with anthemic chants, rousing sing-alongs, celebrations of binge drinking, marathon song titles, broken-hearted duets, punked-up Irish jigs, and classic rock lyric-stealing. And through it all, they take subtlety out on the town, pour a fifth of whiskey down its throat, write insults on its face in permanent marker, and abandon it in the woods.