JC Melancon, I Stand Alone (Sound Check)

If there is any truth to the old adage that time rewards those who wait, then Krotz Springs’ songwriter JC Melancon must be receiving more dividends these days. It’s been eight years since Melancon’s last platter hit the streets and with that much time in between releases, the growth in his songwriting is apparent. Whether it’s themes of love lost, love gained, restlessness or comforting spiritual presence, Melancon can craft a pretty touching tune that lyrically lures the listener into a tightly threaded web of heartfelt sentiment. Stylistically, he does well there too, altering moods, arrangements and genres with a little triple-throbbing swamp pop, ’70s feel funk, greasy three-chord southern rock, Americana with guest fiddler Hadley Castille and weepy country with guest steel guitarist Murnell Babineaux. Even though this disc has several things going for it, next time out Melancon would fare better with a cleaner, clearer mix that would give his lyrical imagery the prominence it deserves.