Rant: Politicians = Dumb? Constituents = Dumber!

With the bombast and screaming that’s been going on in the Republican candidate debates, the “Occupy Wall Street” demonstrations throughout the country, and, more locally, the name-calling and mud-slinging that’s part of the upcoming elections in Louisiana, it’s time to consider more important things.

I’ve seen a candidate telling me he’s pro-gun, pro-life and pro-traditional marriage while scraping horse shit and mud off his boot (“the only dirt he’s going to sling in this campaign”). I’ve seen a candidate for Lieutenant Governor telling us he’s going to keep out all those nasty, dirty immigrants (while showing a group of Hispanics smirking about “getting Louisiana jobs”). I’ve seen candidates for judgeships attacking each other viciously. What is wrong with this picture?

Call me a real idealist, but running for public service and serving the public should be a privilege.

Yeah, I know it's misspelled. That's the point...duh.

What’s really annoying and really scary is that this political advertising works. I’m against advertising for public office. There are just too many ignorant people who refuse to take the time to research candidates and their platforms. They vote for the person whose advertising stimulates name recognition or who pushes the right emotional buttons. That’s not the democratic process.

People, this sort of campaigning demonstrates the demise of democracy (government for and of the people) and the rise of demagoguery. Think about it. There are too many of us who don’t have a clue what political jobs entail, what skills are needed, and how to ask candidates for straightforward solutions to the many problems that face us as constituents.  I certainly hope that getting younger people involved in the “99 Percent” battle does some good. But until the majority of Americans get off their butts and refuse elect the bozos who’ve led Americans and Louisianians down these paths, there’s not much hope for our lot to improve.

Okay, so that was my political rant for today!

One of OffBeat’s staff members sent me a Gallup poll that I found quite interesting—knowing where I stand on legalization of marijuana (if you haven’t read my blog for long: I’m for legalization). I thought this poll was interesting  because it shows who exactly is for legalization and who is not.

Post some comments, please. I’m looking forward to reading them.